Day 6 New Worlds in Space and Time

New Worlds in Space and Time The Book The UnTied Kingdom by Kate Johnson, 15 Jan 2014 This is one of those supremely satisfying books where the balance between adventure and romance is perfectly structured. Too often one element is thrown in either to soften or spice up the other, to supply some dramatic tension because the original story cannot provide it on its own. There is one leap of belief needed and that is to accept the possibility of parallel worlds. Otherwise, reality rules. Eve, an ex-pop star with money problems, forced to do humiliating sensation TV to earn some money, is accidentally flung through a hole in the sky above Tower Bridge. She and the birdlike contraption she is riding on land in the Thames. She is rescued to find that England is in the throes of a devastating civil war. The world is dominated by the French Empire and the Coalitionists, who want to cede to France, have rebelled against the English government. Eve has been rescued by a major in the ...